October 15, 2024

Having fun and loving life!

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  • Stop Giving – And Taking – Offense

    I am seeing them all over the Internet and my Facebook feed.  Somebody has something said to them, they get offended because of it, so they take to social media to express their feelings.  It could be about anything.  The ones I seem to be seeing the most have to do with the body, or "body shaming."…

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  • Homemade Weights for Kids

    My children have seen me working out, and have wanted to get in on the fun.  I want them to start developing healthy, happy habits, but they weren't going to be able to "exercise" with my weights.  I also don't want to worry about them building muscle at such a young age.  So I set…

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  • VBA2C: My Story

    Wow!  Has it been a long time since my last post. In July of 2015, I was really focusing on the blog.  People were asking me to write reviews, I was looking at paid advertising, and my brother-in-law did a redesign for me.  However, I soon had a feeling I needed to stop focusing so…

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  • Raw by Rae

    This is a review for Raw by Rae desserts.  I was sent a free sample in the mail and asked to give an honest review.  I am not receiving any money or compensation if you purchase these desserts. Have you heard of Raw by Rae? If you haven't, you're not alone.  I hadn't heard of…

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  • Healthy Snacks for Road Trips

    My family has spent a lot of time away from home these past few weeks. Between visiting my sister in Wyoming and spending time with my in-laws, it feels like I've hardly been home. Something about those long drives in the car - people get hungry, especially little children.  I've been wondering what healthy snacks…

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  • My “Diet”

    People have asked me "What did you do to lose weight?".  Many people seem to be expecting some big, secret answer that magically took my weight off.  They seem disappointed with my answer: eat better and exercise.  I thought I would give a little more detail when it comes to what I eat. What diet…

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  • The Enemy of My Soul

    Why should I give way to temptations, that the evil one have place in my heart to destroy my peace and afflict my soul? Why am I angry because of mine enemy?  Awake my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul. 2 Nephi 4: 26-27   I know that there is…

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  • What Impression Am I Leaving on My Children?

    Out of the Mouth of Babes A friend recently shared on social media an "interview" she did with one of her children.  There were questions she asked, and wrote down the answers exactly as they were given.  Of course, it was one of those share posts, so I took the questions so that I could interview…

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  • Three Ways to Use Ripe Bananas

    I used to hate bananas, especially overripe ones.  I thought they were slimy and disgusting.   I would avoid anything banana-flavored, even candy.  I even had a dislike for the movie Herbie Goes Bananas.  Yes, I hated bananas with a passion. Over the past year, though, my taste buds have changed.  Don't ask me how!…

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