Don’t Give Up What You Want MOST
August 14, 2014
February 23, 2025
August 12, 2014
While doing a 4-mile run, I had just finished the uphill part of my route. My legs were tired and I was getting out of breath. Still, I didn't want to stop running. I just focused on the sidewalk in front of me. However, as I did, I noticed something written on the sidewalk: "You're…
July 10, 2014
Falling Down, Getting Back Up I recently returned from an overnight camping trip with the family about 2 1/2 hours away. I thought I'd been pretty good. We did a lot of walking around, and I ate mostly salad and fruit. However, I also spent about 8 hours in the car between the two days.…
June 26, 2014
A Resolution Like everyone, I made a few New Year's Resolutions on January 1. I didn't want to just say "Lose weight." I'd said that before and it never went anywhere. Plus, that was something I was already doing. I wanted to be more specific. So, I set a goal to accomplish something physical. I…
June 23, 2014
No One Ever Is To Blame One night, the family and I were headed back from a nice weekend with the in-laws. We planned on stopping at a town and eating out at a place that wasn't too expensive and would allow the kids to stretch a little. We soon found a little fast food…
May 19, 2014
"I can't lose weight without a gym!" I used to have that same mentality. I had my most success with weight loss when I had a gym membership or lived somewhere that had access to one. In 2007, I lost 20 pounds just because I lived at an apartment complex with a little fitness center. However,…
May 16, 2014
I am all for having goals. Goals are what drive you to be better. But instead of looking at what you didn't do, look at what you have done. The Wedding Dress When I started losing weight in August, I was doing great! I was averaging about two pounds a week, sometimes as much as…
April 10, 2014
In another post, I mentioned my goal of making the climb to the top of a rock wall. I had given up on that goal last year, simply saying "I can't" and dropping back down. Well, I told Josh my goal of making the climb to the top of the rock wall. Our membership…
April 03, 2014
Big Legs I was made fun of growing up. Before the school day, people would hold the door shut in winter so that I had to stand in the cold. Most days I would hear comments like “Don’t get the green tray!” You’ll marry Jayni Green!”. (These things were hurtful to a little kid). It…
March 29, 2014
Success comes in cans, not in cannots Joel Weldon Growing up, my soccer coach (AKA Mom) had rules she would have us recite at every practice/game. The last rule was always Positive Mental Attitude. "If you think you can't, you won't. If you think you can, you will. And we will!" I said this phrase…